Let’s Really Talk About the Narrative behind Plandemic

Justin Sarachik
5 min readMay 8, 2020

Let’s talk about Plandemic. (With no political ties to either party, an unbiased journalist, & someone who has created media) LONG READ

The first mistake we can make is say, “This has not been covered by the media!” FALSE. If you are watching it, it’s media. If it’s spreading on the Internet, it’s media. What you are watching is a propaganda film that caters to your viewpoint. In fact, any media that takes a stance is agenda pushing propaganda. Liberal news is pushing a liberal narrative. Conservative news, a conservative one. Neither of them are truly unbiased. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.

Plandemic, like any other documentary, is a short film created to elicit an emotion or feeling. It’s telling a story with a very centralized message, “You are being lied to.” If I created a counter documentary tomorrow that convincingly disputed every single fact this woman said in this film, then who’s lying? It’s tough to say right?

What if you saw my movie first? You’d be inclined to believe the first film because the one that comes next will try to change the first facts that you absorbed. Once your mind is made up to a truth, it’s hard to unravel that thread.

Plandemic could have told you anything, and you’d believe it. Why? We are currently living through an unprecedented time in our history. This is the first of its kind in the modern era. For the first time, we can’t come up with answers. For the first time as Americans, our little safety net and bubble of being on this side of the world has been popped and we are experiencing inconvenience to our daily lives.

Imagine being quarantined during the Spanish Flu in 1918 and not having electricity, a TV, a phone, and access to stock up on refrigerated food? You can’t right? Most people are stuck at home, healthy, with people they love, with every necessary luxury imaginable, but we’re upset because we can’t go outside and hang out (I understand it’s more nuanced than that). This is the way of life we are used to.

What would it be like say in poor parts of Africa, India, etc. Some of these people already have nothing and now they have to worry about death. We are confusing our rights with conveniences. We are willing to trade the potential of lives for a little more comfort. Any loss of life is tragic and it never really hits home until that loss hits you.

Plandemic is just another media storm that is preying upon the fears of a tired, scared, and ready to burst public that needs something to rage on.

The documentary downplays the effects of the virus, but I bet if you asked anyone that’s had it, or a Dr in the middle of an insane ER in NYC about it, they’ll tell you they’ve never seen anything like it and nurses and doctors have committed suicide because they couldn’t deal with the trauma.

Over the years perhaps thousands of doctors and scientists have worked with Dr. Fauci, and you’re telling me one person is speaking out and because she did, it’s fact right? It was just Two months ago that COVID-19 was a hoax, now, it’s genetically created in a lab. Independent studies from other countries with no skin in the game have confirmed this to not be true.

If at the end of the day we are completely wrong about how we handled everything, at least our intention was to save lives.

Another alarming topic is the conspiracy of Bill Gates being responsible for creating or being responsible for COVID and then vaccinating everyone in a plot to depopulate the world. “He’s not a doctor or a scientist!” is the biggest complaint I see. Well, then I ask, how did he create the virus? “He hired the best people to do so.” So then my response would be, “Why couldn’t he get the best doctors to help cure it?” There is only one person on Earth who has more money and resources than him.

Next, I’ll ask this question, and I hate to turn it political, but here’s an example. People love Donald Trump because he says whatever and isn’t a politician. So then what you’re saying is, he’s not qualified in the same way as Bill Gates (who is a genius by the way). “yeah, but he’ll hire the best people.” Yes, he will, just like Bill Gates!

This is neither an endorsement or a critical take at both of those men. This is me saying, let’s keep our ideals consistent people. You are also making the assumptions on highly technical information and you are not a scientist or doctor. Everyone clings to an ideology that fits into their own worldview. Too often we jump on a wave that sounds good in theory and react on a knee jerk reaction.

What makes the Plandemic movie science, doctors, and people more credible than anything else you’ve read? It’s a movie with a specific goal in hand. We are playing right into the easy narrative.

What Plandemic also fails to do is hold anyone fully accountable. If the president and government hired these medical experts and teams, then they allowed all this to happen. Then everyone has to go. EVERY single person in all government. But no, it mainly points the finger at Dr. Fauci who no one knew until 3 months ago.

At the end of the day, don’t let one film determine what you believe truth is. The answer more than likely lies somewhere in the middle. Don’t believe everything you see or read. Get multiple sources, some outside your comfort zone, and put together pieces for yourself. By calling people sheep and telling them to wake up because you are now woke is calling the kettle black because you watched something that could very easily be made for “sheep” too.

I’m not a doctor. Most of you reading this probably aren’t either, but what I do understand well is media and how to tell a story. This right now, is just another story until it’s proven true or it’s not.

I am by no means an expert on COVID-19, conspiracy theories, or science, but I do encourage you to not trade one deemed “fake narrative” for another potentially fake narrative. People want to believe something to cling to. This is what cult leaders, pimps, and extortionists do, they look for people at their lowest and take advantage of them. Don’t be another one of those people.



Justin Sarachik

Freelance Writer/Musician/Entrepreneur Looking for Opportunities to Create